Common Contaminants
Contaminants can enter our water system daily, most of which we can’t see, let alone pronounce. Thus why filtering your water is important.
Water filtration is about taking action for yourself & your family to reduce the amount of contaminants in your water. While much is certainly out of your control when it comes to the pollutants, filtering your water is one thing you can control.
As a result, Instapure certified systems and filters provide up to 99% reduction of water contaminants while leaving beneficial minerals, such as calcium, in the water.
Our Certified products include: IAPMO Certified Products, NSF Certified Products, and WQA Certified Products
Common water contaminants may consist of:
Chlorine disinfects and control Microbial contaminants in many municipal water systems. In addition to making tap water taste and smell bad Chlorine can be absorbed through physical consumption.
Lead is toxic to health even at low doses. The amount of lead found in tap water varies greatly and can depends on factors such as the amount of time the water is exposed to the plumbing infrastructure the waters PH and temperature. Lead in drinking water can cause a variety of adverse health effects.
Microbial Cyst contain parasites found in lakes and rivers and can enter the water through sewage, leaking septic tanks and runoff from farm operations. Consequently, many cysts are resistant to the water disinfection process making cysts a health risk in tap water.
Mercury enters drinking water systems through erosion of natural deposits, contaminated liquid and also gas discharge from refineries, factories, agricultural and manufacturing runoff. Accordingly, exposure to mercury over time is toxic and can cause kidney damage and other health related issues.
Volatile Organic Compounds include a variety of chemicals emitted as gases. Consequently, thousands of products contain VOC’s so it’s no surprise some of these elements end up in our drinking water. For example, bodies absorb these contaminants when water is heated and vaporized.
Pesticides can contaminate drinking water supplies. In other words, pesticides can be applied to farmlands, gardens and lawns and can eventually make their way into ground water or surface water systems that feed drinking water supplies.
Herbicides enter the drinking water system through runoff from rainfall and irrigation and deposited into oceans rivers and lakes. For example, Atrazine interferes with the bodies hormonal activity and reproductive organs.
Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether is subsequently added to gasoline for the reduction of carbon monoxide emissions.
Consequently, Seepage from decaying and unmonitored underground storage tanks, spills and also discharge from refining and petroleum processing pipelines and operations and discharge commercial and private boat engines into lakes and rivers can produce increased levels of MTBE in municipal water systems.