As a member of the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), we were pleased with the news of the passing of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) in October, which included strong language authorizing the U.S. EPA’s WaterSense program for the long term.
Previously, the program would have to undergo a vote to extend funding year to year. Now the WaterSense program is protected under law and any changes must be made via an act of Congress. WaterSense has been widely supported by over 1,700 business, including manufacturers, water and utilities, distributors, non-profit organizations, and retailers across the U.S. The program has also received bipartisan support among members on Capitol Hill since its inception.
The WaterSense program seeks to protect the U.S water supply by offering consumers an easy way to make product-purchase decisions that conserve water without the sacrifice of quality or performance of the product. Products and services labeled with WaterSense have been certified as more efficient than average products. These products use at least 20% less water and energy. Products earning the WaterSense label include toilets, urinals, shower heads, landscape irrigation controllers, and bathroom faucets.
Instapure is a dedicated steward to the many efforts domestic and worldwide to conserve our water supply and help improve our water infrastructure. As an active member of the water filtration community, Instapure is committed to providing clean, safe water to people around the globe through our certified water filtration systems. You can read more about our products and certifications (NSF, WQA, IAPMO links) & Instapure here.
For more about the EPA’s WaterSense program, read here.